Monthly Archives: August 2009

Weekend Lovin’

If you follow me on twitter, you will have noticed that I have uploaded a bunch of images from my phone recently. It’s because I am officially OBSESSED with the ShakeItPhoto application for my iPhone. It simulates the almost obsolete and loved art of Polaroid image processing, something I have been obsessed with forever. My aunt, Susan has done some very cool things with actual Polaroids. When she finally gets a website together, I’ll be sharing it.

Back to my point, as a result of my new obsession I spent the entire weekend taking pictures with my phone. Luckily for you dear reader, I actually did some fun stuff :). Here’s a little documentary of my weekend adventures as told via my iPhone.

Friday:  Drinks at the Congress Hotel, Salsa Dancing in Grant Park, and ending with some inappropriate neon

Weekend 1

Saturday: Long walk, Air + Water Show from North Avenue Beach

Weekend 2

And Jessica’s Birthday Party!

Weekend 3

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Filed under Chicago, Friends, Personal

I’m on a Boat!

Yes, catching up on my life has been a challenge these past few weeks. For instance, I called up a friend and found out she had finished grad school, passed her exam, accepted and started a job, moved AND started dating someone all while I dropped off the face of the planet. I’m exhausted just thinking about it.

Anywho, I had the good fortune to spend the 4th of July on the water. My friend Kerry’s parents have a lovely boat they keep downtown and they were gracious enough to allow me to crash their party. It was a beautiful day full of boat rides, drinks and so much good food I can’t even talk about it all. Here are some of the pictures from our day on the H2O.

July4-1 (1)

July4-1 (4)

Driving lesson on the boat = Kennice almost falling overboard

July4-1 (15)

July4-1 (28)

July4-1 (35)

July4-1 (37)

July4-1 (44)

July4-1 (46)

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Filed under Friends, Fun Session, Personal

Pride Brunch

I know this post is a long (very long) time coming but it has taken me a while to get through all the pictures. Since I live on the parade route, my roommate and I decided to host the 2nd Annual Pride Brunch on the morning of the Chicago Pride Parade. It was a beautiful day and we had a great gathering of friends. I have to say, watching the parade from the comfort of your own home as opposed to hanging out with the masses is definitely the way to go. Here are some of my favorites from the day.

Coming soon…parade pictures!

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Filed under Friends, Fun Session, Personal